CUPE School
General Information
We’ve started our own Education Program here at CUPE 3902—it’s actually part of our Action Plan!
This program is open and free to all political members of the Local and includes workshops, trainings, and teach-ins geared towards building your union skills!
PLEASE NOTE: Space is limited for each workshop and registration is on a first come, first served basis. Participants will receive a certificate upon completion of each workshop.
Monday October 28-Wednesday October 30
Location: University College
Lunch: 1-2pm, UC 161
Social Hour: 5-6pm, UC 161
Getting Around
View University College Floorplan
First floor: Rooms 121, 144, 152, 163
Basement: Rooms 65, 67, 87
Introduction to Stewarding (3902 specific)
10am-1pm, UC 87.How to be a steward? This introductory workshop is mandatory for new stewards and intends to guide them through their basic responsibilities as Union Representatives in their departments.
CUPE 3902 Basics (3902 specific)
10am-12pm, UC 67.How does your local work? Learn about the inner structure of 3902, from its calendar to its active campaigns. Understanding the local’s processes, roles, and terminology will benefit you as a member of 3902 and as a worker.
Knitting for Labour (open to everyone)
2-3pm, UC 87.Join this session to share with other members your current knitting, crocheting, or embroidery project. Interested in learning? We will have a few learning toolkits so that you can learn the very basics of knitting!
History of Trade Unionism & How to Unionize your Workplace (open to everyone)
3-5pm, UC 87.This workshop is an introduction to the legacy of trade unionism and its wins for the labour movement. You will also gain practical skills for organizing, such as identifying workplace issues, building solidarity among colleagues, and navigating the unionization process.
Note-Taking (open to everyone)
3-5pm, UC 67.Is note-taking just “writing things down”? No, notes are critical, be it during bargaining, doing legal research, or making inquiries for a grievance. Learn about reading the room, taking good and significant notes, and storing them properly in this workshop.
Health and Safety (open to everyone)
2-5pm, UC 65.This workshop will help you understand the role of the health and safety committee, recognize common workplace hazards, and familiarize yourself with the basic rights workers have to protect their health and safety on the job. Participants will also receive a hard copy of the Occupational Health & Safety Act.
Organizer Training (open to everyone)
10am-5pm (lunch 1-2pm), UC 144.Are you interested in building winning campaigns to improve your working conditions? Do you want to learn how you and your coworkers can build power to beat the Boss? This full-day workshop will focus on how to identify issues in your workplace, campaign planning, moving your coworkers to action through one-on-one conversations, and building strong majorities to win.
Investigations & Disciplinary Meetings (3902 specific)
10am-1pm, UC 152.What does an investigation process entail? Who will be involved? Learn about key legal concepts and terms, and the role of stewards during an employer’s investigation, when discipline is given, and during grievance meetings.
Grievance Handling & Legal Research, Part 1 (3902 specific)
2-5pm, UC 152.What types of procedures must you follow when handling grievances? Learn the best practices for the initial inquiry, research, filing, and the roles of the parties involved. This workshop is part 1 of 2.
Bystander Training (open to everyone)
10am-12pm, UC 65How to act and, most importantly, how to intervene when witnessing harm in the workplace? Learn the role of respect, aggression, intention, and intervention to understand what to do and what not to do as a bystander.
Anti-Oppression and Anti-Racism Training (open to everyone)
2-5pm, UC 65.Learn how to recognize instances of oppression and racism, and how to work towards equity. You will learn about systemic structures, awareness strategies, fighting tactics, communication and decision-making, and your role in these dynamics.
Bargaining Training & Simulation (3902 specific)
10am-5pm (lunch 1-2pm), UC 163.What does bargaining entail? What goes on at the table during negotiations? Learn about coordinated bargaining, collective agreement language, and how to face the employer and make demands in this simulation workshop.
Grievance Handling & Legal Research, Part 2 (3902 specific)
10am-1pm, UC 152.What types of procedures must you follow when handling grievances? Learn the best practices for the initial inquiry, research, filing, and the roles of the parties involved. This workshop is part 2 of 2.
Tenant Rights (open to everyone)
10am-12pm, UC 67.What are your rights as a tenant in the GTA? Learn the basics about tenant law, how the dynamics of the rental housing market became exploitative, and the political principles underlying successful tenant organizing.
BDS Committee Teach-in (open to everyone) – Wednesday, October 30, 12am-1pm, UC 67.
Join the BDS committee for a teach-in to learn about their work and proposals. This session will explore why it is crucial to hold our university accountable—both financially and ethically—when it comes to their direct and material support of illegal occupation, apartheid, and genocide.
Conflict Resolution (open to everyone)
2-5pm, UC 67.How to navigate conflict? In this workshop, you will learn to identify different types of conflict, how to respond to them, and work on communication skills to handle various situations and relationships effectively.