We are Unit 7

We are Graduate Assistants at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE). Formerly represented by CUPE 3907, we successfully merged with CUPE 3902 and formed Unit 7 in 2022.
First Vice-President (Units 1 & 7): Marie Haines | vp1@cupe3902.org
Unit 7 Lead Steward: Kanza Tariq | u7leadsteward@cupe3902.org
Unit 7 News
Want to help make your department a better place to work and learn? Consider nominating yourself for a 2025 steward position. The nomination deadline is January 24th, 2025.
Join the 3902 cohort at the OUWCC conference and advocate for a stronger, more equitable University.
On December 20th, you received a notice of motion for several amendments to your Local’s bylaws. We’re holding two TOWN HALLS on the Bylaw amendments to ask any questions and talk about how these bylaws help build your power!
CUPE 3902 is building its organizational capacity to allow for casual, union-service opportunities for political members of the Local to support its ongoing contract negotiations. ***DEADLINE EXTENDED TO JANUARY 19, 2025***