Meet Your VP2 Candidates!
Check out the candidates up for election of Second Vice-President!
Voting polls will be open on November 29, 2024 from 9:00am to 7:00pm.
All members eligible to vote will receive an email from SimplyVoting prior to polls opening.
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Farhana Islam
Hi, I am Farhana, and I am running to be your next Second Vice-President for CUPE 3902, nominated by Eriks Bredovskis and Claudia Vásquez-Caicedo Rainero.
I am a Sessional Instructional Assistant at the Department of Biology at the Mississauga campus. I am passionate about building community and creating accessible and inclusive work and learning spaces through advocacy and organizing, which is reflected in my various leadership positions within unions and student groups at the University of Toronto spanning over eight years.
Farhana Islam
Between 2019 to 2020, at the start and height of the COVID-19 pandemic, I served as CUPE 3902’s Internal Liaison Officer (ILO), which involved serving as the Local’s representative in collaborations with student and labour unions and equity-seeking groups within the University community. In this role, I also oversaw the Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) portfolio. I organized and provided training to the Local’s JHSC representatives to advocate for minimizing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 for students and workers, and their families during a time campuses were reopening and there was pressure from the employer to return to in person work. I further engaged with the Employer on the Local’s positions on workplace health and safety and negotiated on the JHSC Terms of Reference.
I have served as the President of the Tenant’s Association at the University Family Housing (UFH) between 2022 to 2023 (and previously, Vice-President between 2021 to 2022) where I advocated on behalf of student families on housing-related issues including but not limited to, maintenance, security, rent, and health and safety measures in shared spaces during COVID-19. As President of the Race and Ethnicity Caucus (REC) of the University of Toronto Graduate Students’ Union (UTGSU) from 2018 to 2020, and previously as Vice-President from 2016 to 2018, I organized workshops and campaigns focused on more accessible mental health services that meets the needs of racialized students on campus. My other roles include being an appointed Student Member on University Affairs Board of the Governing Council and the University Tribunal for two terms.
This is an important time for Unit 3 as we renegotiate our Collective Agreement with our Employer. I am confident that my extensive experience in organizing, advocacy, and community building equips me to serve effectively as Second Vice President. At the bargaining table, I will advocate for (i) greater transparency in hiring standards and processes, (ii) increased job security, (iii) improved wages and benefits, (iv) more paid training opportunities, and (v) protection of workers’ rights to speak out against systems of oppression and colonialism without threat of job loss. Together, we can organize to create a more equitable workplace for all!
I have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
Dan Milway
Dan Milway
My name is Dan and I’ve been a member of CUPE3902 for 11+ years. I joined the Union as a Unit 1 member in 2012 as a TA in the Department of Linguistics and walked the picket lines in the Strike of 2015. Currently I am a Sessional Lecturer I in the Departments of Language studies at UTM and UTSC.
I am proud to be a member of the Union, and want to help as VP to continue its work of building your power to make positive changes in your working environments and, by extension, your lives. As I see it, building power in Unit 3 means two things—increasing member organization and mobilization in Unit 3 and strengthening our coordination with the other bargaining units. To achieve this I plan to work closely together with the other outstanding members of your executive committee. But more
importantly, I plan to do my best to follow the time-tested axiom of meeting you all, especially my fellow Unit 3 members, where you’re at—to understand that any power we have comes from you, from us.
So I humbly ask you to elect me as second VP of our Local.
Solidarity Forever!
I have no conflicts of interest to report.