CUPE 905 Picket Line Report

Group of people standing around barrel with CUPE flags.

By: Julian Nickel, CUPE 3902 Unit 1 member 

On Saturday November 30th, members from UofT CUPE Locals 1230, 3261, and 3902 joined CUPE Local 905 on their picket lines at the Richmond Hill Center for the Performing Arts on a chilly afternoon. Picket lines were set up around the building, made obvious by barricades erected by the employer at entrances to parking lots. Workers were stopping a concert by a local cover band (Glass Tiger) who crossed the picket line the night before, hired scab labour, and refused  to cancel the show scheduled later that day. CUPE 905 members had placed sound systems blaring a mix of union songs and the songs covered by the scab band, interjected by chirps to lower band morale.

The CUPE UofT members were greeted warmly by Local 905 workers, who shared many of the concerns of UofT workers: low pay, poor working conditions, low opportunities for advancement, and inadequate benefits. Some Local 905 members highlighted that despite working 48 weeks of the year, they are not classified as full time workers. This prevents members from accessing crucial benefits and job security.

While supporting a picket on the south side of the building, the UofT workers unfurled a banner proclaiming: “University and Municipal Workers United”. Around this time, the scab band manager (Michael)  decided to try and intimidate the workers by exiting the venue and driving his car through the picket line and barricade with the help of security. Quickly, CUPE 905 members and UofT workers placed themselves and their banner between the car and the parking lot. Despite some dangerous minutes of chicken, the workers stopped and held the car. Initially the car was to be held for 5 minutes. But, emboldened by a surge of picketeers, the line was held for 10, then 20, then 60 minutes.

Group of people standing front of a car with CUPE flags and large sign saying “University & Municipal Workers United”. Text on top image says “University and municipal workers stand in unity!”

Group of people standing front of a car with CUPE flags and large sign saying “University & Municipal Workers United”.

At this point, since the band manager refused to simply return his car back to the parking lot across the street, the workers decided that the CUPE 905 rally should be held in front of his car. Speakers from CUPE 905, CUPW, the ATU, CUPE Ontario, and the Toronto and York District Labour Council (TYRLC) spoke. In particular, the speech of Andria Babbington, President of the TYRLC, stood out. While the President of CUPE 905 was pulled aside by police and issued a warning, Andria maintained morale for ten minutes and finally managed to harangue the band manager to reverse. The workers had won this battle, after almost 2 hours of standoff. This victory was met with jubilant cries from all workers present, and the morale of the line soared.

The CUPE UofT workers left feeling triumphant. A battle was won in the long war. Two weeks later, on December 11th, CUPE 905 reached a Tentative Agreement that not only achieved 10.25% wage increases over three years, but also secured four full-time positions at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts. The struggle continues for public service workers. The UofT workers signed the back of the banner with their names in what they hoped would be the beginning of a tradition of picket line support actions. Solidarity!

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