You, your coworkers, and your former coworkers have fought for decades for better access to paid leaves. Please do take advantage of the privileges you have won for you, your coworkers, and future generations of workers at U of T.

Available leaves are described below. You can find more info in the CUPE 3902 Unit 1 Collective Agreement. In general, to take a leave, first contact your departmental administrator to start the process.

Note: Academic year is September 1 to August 31, as per article 29:05 of the Unit 1 Collective Agreement, under Definitions.

You can take 17 weeks of paid leave. This leave can take two forms:

  • Four months receiving regular monthly installments without interruption, with subsequent unpaid leave also available.
  • If you qualify for Employment Insurance benefits, the University will pay you ninety-five percent (95%) of regular pay during the first week (while waiting period for Employment Insurance benefits), then for the next 16 weeks, they will pay the difference between Employment Insurance benefits and ninety-five percent (95%) of salary, provided that the employee applies for and receives Employment Insurance benefits.

The end date of a pregnancy leave may not extend beyond the ending date of the employee’s appointment.

Contact the Family Care Office to begin the process. You may need to present a doctor’s certificate to confirm pregnancy and due date (at the department’s expense) and will need to submit written notice of your intent to take the leave at least 2 weeks in advance.

Note: Extended Pregnancy and Parental/Adoption Leave Benefit

All bargaining unit employees are granted extended pregnancy/parental/adoption leaves.

If an employee who has taken pregnancy or parental/adoption leave reaches the end of their contract before their 4 month leave has expired, the employee will be entitled to a one-time only lump sum payment in the amount of their monthly pay for the remainder of that 4-month period, minus any required deductions.

For example, if an employee’s contract ends after 3 months of leave, they will receive a lump sum payment equivalent to 1 month’s pay. 

If you have been employed for a minimum of 13 weeks, you can take a leave of absence following the birth or adoption of your child, of up to 61 weeks for employees who also took pregnancy leave (and must directly follow pregnancy leave) and up to 63 weeks for all other new parents (which must start within 78 weeks of birth/adoption). However, only the first 4 months of that is paid leave.

If you start a leave during an appointment, and you have a subsequent appointment in the following session, you can continue your leave (and therefore continue to get paid) during that subsequent appointment.

Contact the Family Care Office to begin the process. You will need to submit written notice of your intent to take the leave at least 2 weeks in advance.

Note: Extended Pregnancy and Parental/Adoption Leave Benefit

All bargaining unit employees are granted extended pregnancy/parental/adoption leaves.

If an employee who has taken pregnancy or parental/adoption leave reaches the end of their contract before their 4 month leave has expired, the employee will be entitled to a one-time only lump sum payment in the amount of their monthly pay for the remainder of that 4-month period, minus any required deductions.

For example, if an employee’s contract ends after 3 months of leave, they will receive a lump sum payment equivalent to 1 month’s pay. 

Upon request, you can take one week of paid leave, which must be taken within the first 6 weeks of the birth or adoption of a child.

Contact your departmental admin to begin the process.

Short-Term Sick Leave
Course Instructors are entitled to up to 6 days of paid sick leave per academic year, or up to 8 if you teach more than one course.

For non-course instructor members of Unit 1, the following paid sick leaves are available: 3 days if you worked 200 hours or more in a year, 2 days if you worked 100 hours or more in an academic year, or 1 day if you worked 30 hours or more in an academic year.

Contact your supervisor and departmental admin as soon as possible.

Surgery, Hospitalization and Serious Illness
If you require surgery, hospitalization, and/or a course of treatment, you can take up to 4 months of paid leave.

Contact your supervisor and departmental admin as soon as possible. Contact Health and Well-Being Programs & Services to begin the process.

Jury and Witness Duty
Upon written request and supported by a copy of the summons for jury duty or crown witness service, you can take a paid leave while you are serving. You will need to provide confirmation of the date(s) and time(s) in which you appeared and/or served, signed by an appropriate office of the court.

Contact your supervisor and departmental admin as soon as possible.

Academic Conference Leave
If you have been invited to deliver a paper, present research findings, chair a session, or serve on a discussion panel at an academic conference, you can take a paid leave, including time to travel to and from the conference.

Contact your supervisor and departmental admin as soon as possible.

Union Conventions
Upon written request and approval from your supervisor, you can take an unpaid leave, up to 10 working days per academic year.

Contact the General Vice President ( about how to take this leave.

Bereavement Leave
You can take a 5 consecutive day paid leave in the event of death of somebody close to you.

Contact your supervisor and departmental admin as soon as possible.

Compassionate Leave
You can take a 5-day paid leave to attend to a seriously ill person close to you. The 5 days do not need to be consecutive.

Contact your supervisor and departmental admin as soon as possible.

Sexual/Domestic Violence Survivor Leave
Members are entitled to up to 1 month of paid leave in cases where they are survivors of sexual/domestic violence.

Contact the Family Care Office to begin the process.

More questions? Check out the Unit 1 Collective Agreement and/or send a message the Vice President (Unit 1 and Unit 7) at

Health Benefits

Members of Unit 1 are entitled to access health benefits under the terms of the Collective Agreement. Two plans exist: Plan A (The “Top-Up” Plan) and Plan B (The “HCSA Only” Plan).

Plan A consists of comprehensive insurance coverage, in addition to a $300 Healthcare Spending Account (HCSA). The HCSA amount increases to $600 for members with dependents. In order to be eligible for Plan A members must have a contract worth, or have worked, a minimum of 15 hours (this threshold must be achieved by July 31 of each academic year) AND must have enrolled in a “base” plan (such as the GSU, APUS, SCSU, UTSU, or PDF plans). 

NOTE: In order to be eligible for Plan A, members must remain in both the extended health and dental portions of their base plan. There are no exceptions. If you need to purchase an extension of your insurance after graduation, please visit Student Care for information and deadlines.

Members who do not meet the eligibility requirements as outlined above, will have access to Plan B (HCSA only), consisting of a $500 Healthcare Spending Account. The HCSA amount increases to $800 for members with dependents.

For more information about these two plans, please have a look at our Plan FAQ.

Health Benefits - Important Dates and Deadlines

Blackout Period

A blackout period is the duration of time when access to Plan A and Plan B is temporarily unavailable. This is the period when the University confirms the eligibility of members and sends the list to Green Shield.

If you require access to medical and dental services or need a prescription during the blackout period, you can make the payment and submit the claim with receipts to Green Shield after the blackout period.

Fall 2023: September 1 – November 29, 2023

Winter 2024: January 1 – March 15, 2024

NOTE: If you had access to Plan A or B during the previous benefit year (September to August), your plan will show as “Terminated” on the Green Shield portal during the blackout period in September.

Claim submission Deadline

All claims must be received by Green Shield no later than 60 days after the end of the benefit year, by October 30.

NOTE: August 30 is the last day you can submit claims through the Green Shield portal. After August 30, you must submit manual (paper) claim forms. Please contact Green Shield customer service at 1-888-711-1119 for assistance.

Health Benefits - Adding Dependents

NOTE: To opt-in your dependents to your primary plan (in order for them to have access to the Top-up Plan), you must opt them in annually, at the beginning of the term you are first registered in.   For graduate students, visit Student Care to opt-in online during the periods below.  Members with primary coverage from APUS, SCSU, and UTSU should refer to their respective website for similar deadlines.

Fall 2023: September 1 – 30, 2023

Winter 2024: January 1 – 31, 2024

Looking to purchase a 12-month extension of your insurance after graduation? Please visit Student Care.

Health Benefits - Additional Information, Forms and Links

Unit 1 Health Benefits – University of Toronto’s webpage

Unit 1 Benefits & Worker Rights – access this document for a summary of Unit 1 benefits, financial assistance funds and other worker rights.

Top-Up Plan FAQ – have a question about your top-up plan? Check here first for an answer! 

HCSA Allowable Expenses – this form, created by Green Shield Canada, lists items/services that may (or may not) be charged to a HCSA, and under what circumstances certain expenses will be covered. Members who are not in a funded cohort are able to claim their UTGSU health and dental premiums through their HSCA account. Check out this guide for details on how to do so! Note: if you are in a funded cohort, your UTGSU plan is covered by your funding and you cannot claim the premiums through your HCSA. 

Table of Maximums – GSU/Top-Up – GSU/Top-Up Plan 2023/2024 Plan Year.

Equity Funds

For more information about each fund, click on the name/title of the fund (in red). Please see the Fund Application FAQ to answer commonly asked questions related to fund applications.


Sexual and Domestic Violence Survivors Fund (SF)
  • Eligibility period: secured at least 1 hour of Unit 1 work between September 1 and August 31 of the year in which the application is made.
  • Purpose: support survivors. Please apply if you need support of any kind related to your experience as a member of this group.
Trans Fund (TF)
  • Eligibility period: secured at least 1 hour of Unit 1 work between September 1 and August 31 of the year in which the application is made.
  • Purpose: support trans members. Please apply if you need support of any kind related to your experience as a member of this group.
Black and Indigenous Workers Fund (BIWF)
  • Eligibility period: secured at least 1 hour of Unit 1 work between September 1 and August 31 of the year in which the application is made.
  • Purpose: support members impacted by anti-Black and/or anti-Indigenous racism. Please apply if you need support of any kind related to your experience as a member of this group.
International Workers Legal Fund (IWLF)
  • Eligibility period: secured at least 1 hour of Unit 1 work between September 1 and August 31 of the year in which the application is made.
  • Purpose: support international members facing legal difficulties. Please apply if you need support of any kind related to your experience as a member of this group.

January 1 to february 16 [extended] (Group a) &
August 1-30 (Groups a & B), 2024

Student Workers Assistance Fund (SWAF)
  • Eligibility period: have/will have performed at least 30 hours of Unit 1 work between September 1 and August 31 of the year in which the application is made.
  • Purpose: provide funding support to (A) students in the funded cohort (as defined by SGS) who receive less than $20,000 of funding a year and (B) students not in the funded cohort who receive less than $15,000 of funding a year. Only members in group A can apply during Round 1; members in group B apply in Round 2.

february 1 - 28 & July 1 - 31, 2024

International Health Plan Assistance Fund (IHPAF)
  • Eligibility period: have/will have performed at least 30 hours of Unit 1 work between September 1 and August 31 of the year in which the application is made.
  • Purpose: cover UHIP enrolment fees for members who, because of their international status and are no longer in the funded cohort, must pay out-of-pocket for UHIP for themselves, their spouse, or dependent child(ren). Members who receive major external awards that fully replace funding packages are not eligible.
U of T Family Plan Assistance Fund (UFPAF)
  • Eligibility period: have/will have performed at least 30 hours of Unit 1 work between September 1 and August 31 of the year in which the application is made.
  • Purpose: cover U of T student or postdoc base plan enrolment fees for members who pay out-of-pocket for coverage for their spouse and/or dependent child(ren) on their U of T base health care plan.

July 1 - 31, 2024

Research Assistants Defence Fund (RADF)
  • Eligibility period: have/will have performed at least 30 hours of Unit 1 work between September 1 and August 31 of the year in which the application is made.
  • Purpose: protect the funding package for students in the funded cohort (as defined by SGS) in Divisions 1 and 2 (Humanities and Social Sciences) who are forced to undertake T4 taxable RA work in order to receive their minimum guaranteed funding.

September 1 - 30, 2024

Childcare Financial Assistance Fund (CFAF)
  • Eligibility period: have/will have performed at least 30 hours of Unit 1 work between September 1 and August 31 in the year before application is made. (Applications are made the following September—that is, immediately after the eligibility period.)
  • Purpose: offset eligible childcare expenses and primary care expenses that are incurred between September 1 and August 31 in the year before application is made. Children must be within set age ranges to be considered eligible.

How to Access Application Forms

During application periods, forms will be available online and accessible through the Member Portal. To find application forms, scroll up to the top right of the Union’s website.

If, during application periods, you do not see application forms on the Member Portal (under ‘Forms’), then you likely need to fill out a Membership Application Form (also found under the ‘Forms’ tab). When your membership application is processed, then the application forms for funds you may be eligible for will be accessible through the portal. PLEASE NOTE: processing of membership applications can take up to one hour. 

If you do not know your Member ID number, which is required for fund and membership applications, you can find it in your CUPE 3902 newsletter footer at the bottom of the email, or by filling out this form in the Member Portal. For support, please contact