Advancement for Unit 3 members requires that you submit a Teaching Dossier or Portfolio. You can find details on the advancement process in the Unit 3 Collective Agreement. A copy of the recent Memorandum of Settlement is available through the Members’ Portal. A summary of that Memo may be viewed here, and a summary is also available in our in-house guide found HERE.
There is a huge variety of opinion on what teaching dossiers can and should contain. There is consensus, however, that they should reflect your unique experiences and history as a teacher. On this page, we’ve tried to capture the best advice out there on how to create a useful and impactful dossier to include with your CV for advancement at UofT.
CUPE 3902 has created a ‘Ten Tips’ guide to summarize best and common practices and expectations, which can be found HERE.
The University of Toronto has prepared a workbook for instructors to guide them in preparing a dossier. You can find that document HERE.
The University of Toronto has also prepared information on teaching philosophy statements, which can be found HERE.
The Canadian Association of University Teachers also has some good advice on including teaching in your CV and as a separate submission. CAUT’s info may be found HERE.
Finally, if you search ‘teaching dossier’ or ‘teaching portfolio’ online, you’ll find that nearly every post-secondary institution has online guides and tips if you need more guidance.