Tentative Agreement

Unit 7 members may view the Tentative Agreement on the Member Portal. If you have questions, please contact Alissa Cherry, First Vice-President, at vp1@cupe3902.org.

Bargaining Committee Members

Chair: Alissa Cherry, 
Members: Justin Holloway, Asmita Bhutani

The function of the Bargaining Committee is to prepare collective bargaining proposals and to  negotiate a Collective Agreement. The Committee shall develop and present bargaining proposals to the membership for approval.

The Committee will make recommendations to the Executive Committee and Bargaining Support/Strike Committee regarding application for conciliation and mediation and the timing of Strike Votes.

The Committee shall report regularly to the membership, Stewards, Bargaining Support Committee, and Executive Committee during the tenure of negotiations.


Bargaining Support Committee (BSC)

Unit 4 BSC Chair: Wales Wong
Members: Diana Barrero, Ateeqa Arain, Katherine Snell, Sarah Alam, Hannah Whitehead

Members of the Bargaining Support Committee shall be responsible for organizing among the membership, the University, and the community in support of the Local’s aims in bargaining, and shall organize the membership around the possibility of a strike vote.

Bargaining FAQ

Negotiating a new Collective Agreement

Improving the socio-economic well-being of CUPE 3902 Unit 7 members depends on the high participation of all members in the bargaining process.