Unit 3 Collective Agreement
The Unit 3 Collective Agreement, which governs the terms and conditions of your work as as Sessional Instructor, Writing Instructor, Music Professional or Sessional Instructional Assistant (SIA) at UofT. SLs, please note that the job security commitment for SLIIIs, which used to be Article 31, is now covered in Article 14.18.
A new Unit 3 Collective Agreement was ratified in December 2022. To understand changes that have been made, please refer to the Memorandum of Agreement. An updated CA will be uploaded to the website as soon as it is ready.
Grievance Guide
A pamphlet demystifying the grievance process for Teaching Assistants and Sessional Lecturers at UofT. If you have a work-related problem please read the pamphlet and contact us.
Employment Insurance Guide
A pamphlet to provide information on Employment Insurance (eligibility, how it works, etc.).
Guide on Workplace Harassment
This guide outlines what is harassment, and how the Local can help you if you are harassed at work.
Guide to Advancement
Read our guide summarizing everything you should know about Advancement and shouldn’t be afraid to ask.
Still need more details about how best to prepare for advancement? We have a separate page for that!