CUPE 3902 condemns the U of T Faculty of Music’s chronic mishandling of complaints of workplace harassment, sexual misconduct, and racism, several of which have come forward in the Faculty of Music Undergraduate Association’s Open Letter. We demand that U of T intervene to address harassment in Music; empower the Sexual Violence Prevention and Support Centre to be an independent organization capable of supporting survivors; order an external review of practices and policies in relation to sexual harassment and violence; and take meaningful accountability for the mishandling of past complaints!

CW: Sexual violence and harassment.


If the viewer above doesn’t work, download and read our statement in PDF!

Our members and colleagues in the Faculty of Music are airing out U of T’s long and concerning record of sexual harassment and misconduct by sharing their testimony in public. On the morning of June 28th, allies in solidarity with survivors assembled a clothesline and hung statements throughout U of T’s Philosopher’s Walk. We demand action to protect survivors and our community!

To get involved, please sign, comment on, and circulate the Faculty of Music Undergraduate Association’s Open Letter. And continue to put pressure on the U of T administration by sharing our Facebook posts about the Faculty of Music and Tweeting about these Faculty of Music actions!