Unit 5: Ratification Vote Information

Members of Unit 5, representing post-doctoral fellows, are reminded and encouraged to take the time to caste their ballot in the Unit’s ratification vote taking place January 15-16, 2019. 

If you would like further details on the Memorandum of Agreement reached between the University and CUPE 3902, you can find that information online

Information regarding polls, including hours of operation and locations is as follows:

-CUPE Office (300-208 Bloor St W): 9am-4pm
-Lash Miller, lobby: 10am-6pm
-Galbraith, lobby: 10am-6pm
-Donnelly Centre, ground floor (in front of the Black Room (260)): 10am-6pm
-UTSC, foyer of AA112 (Arts & Administration Building): 10am-2pm
-UTM, Meeting Place (Davis Building by Tim Hortons): 10am-2pm
-Roving poll – will be at Toronto Western Hospital (location TBD) on Thursday between 1-2pm

Please be sure to bring photo ID with you in order to vote!